Healthy fruit starts at harvest

Harvesting fruits and vegetables plays a crucial role in agricultural production. It is essential to carry out this process following good practices to guarantee the quality of the food. However, in many cases, harvesting with generic scissors can cause a high percentage of losses due to wounds in the fruit or vegetables they produce, which in turn can facilitate the entry of fungal diseases. These adverse conditions can translate into considerable economic losses and affect the company’s reputation among its customers.

At MANZANA NULES we are leaders in the manufacture of professional scissors and pliers designed to meet the specific needs of fruit and vegetable harvesting. We recognize that each type of crop presents unique challenges, and our tools are meticulously designed to maintain the quality of harvested products and minimize post-harvest problems.

Our FRUIT CARE line, identifiable by its blue handles, offers a range of scissors and pliers developed in close collaboration with producers specialized in various types of fruits and vegetables. These farmers share with us their knowledge about the particularities of each crop and the harvest process. Based on this valuable information, we design specific harvesting tools for each type of product with the aim of reducing post-harvest losses and preserving the quality of the food as much as possible.

This collaborative process continues in our company, and we are always looking for new crops for which we can provide effective solutions that maintain the quality of the crops. We maintain a constant dialogue with producers, attentive to their needs and ready to apply our experience and knowledge for the benefit of agriculture. At MANZANA NULES, we are committed to excellence in the harvest of fruits and vegetables, and our goal is to contribute to the sustainability and success of agriculture.